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Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013

On behalf of the Administrators, Teachers and Staff, we are excited to welcome you to another school year.

Many diverse learning opportunities are in place for your children this year. Our goal is to challenge our students intellectually, grow them socially and guide them toward independent thinking and problem solving.

We want to make learning both joyful and challenging for our children. We also want to make sure that every child at SEPS get a Teacher of the Year!

This year we want to challenge both students and parents to take ownership of the school and ensure that we are providing the best education possibly . Your child will have many opportunities to display their strengths this year. We welcome you to become a part of a successful school year. At SEPS we are ready to dive into this new school year and can guarantee that every child will get a champion teacher.

Deborah Reneau
 Vice Principal

Monday, June 24, 2013

Thank You Lighthouse Ministry
What do you get when you mix a determined deacon with a team that knows that it is in giving that we receive?  A mountain of school supplies, an LCD Projector, soccer balls and jerseys, painting of bathroom outside walls , repair of computers, monetary donations and a  beehive of fervent activities resulting in happy teachers and students at Santa Elena Primary School.
Since 2011 Deacon Hendrickson and members of St. Dennis Parish have been contributing to our school development immensely. We are grateful for Father Palma's suggestion that Santa Elena Primary School be chosen for this project due to our economic conditions. During the past two years Deacon Hendrickson, his wife Pat and daughter Lisa Harms have worked tirelessly along with other members of Lighthouse Ministry to raise funds to make this trip a reality.  Ken Hoffman, member of St. Dennis has tirelessly donated thousands of hours to help raise money to fund the trip.  The communication quickly advanced between Ms. Kim Maxson , a teacher from St. Dennis and Santa Elena Primary School. On June17, 2013 Deacon along with 45 parishioners ranging from ages 14 to 75 years journeyed to SEPS , and made it their home for the next four days. We were also very honoured that world renowned artist and Christian speaker Jason Palmisano enthralled us with his Live Chalk Art and impactful Christian Stories. Other activities also included music, storytelling, arts and craft, teambuilding activities and sports day. The team expressed their appreciation as well for the warm welcome they received from the entire SEPS community.
A major part of the contributions to SEPS came from a project developed and coordinated by Lisa Harms,  Director of Religious Education . Other contributors included the women of St. Dennis, Knights of Columbus, and other individuals from St. Dennis
 Any donation given to a school is a blessing. Supporting schools is one of the most direct ways to improve the lives of many children and reduce the effects of poverty.
On behalf of all of us at Santa Elena Primary School, thank you very much for your most generous and recent gifts to our school. We are extremely grateful for your genuine kindness and overwhelming generosity.
Thanks Deacon

Sunday Mass

Like Daughter Like Father!

Thank You Jason!

Meeting with parents

Soccer Balls and Jerseys donated

Thank you

Welcome Assembly

Interaction with students

Computer Room

Thanks Andrew

Human Knot

Thanks Kim

Dress for the weather

The Painting Crew

Field Day
Thank You Saint Dennis

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The Infant one and two students of Santa Elena Primary School have been housed in two trailer home classrooms for the past ten years. The classrooms have since deteriorated considerably, with one of the major problems being the flooring of the buildings. We have echoed these sentiments to our community and other stakeholders at every opportunity we get, but to no avail.
The cries of our teachers reached the ears of Mr. Richard Zul and Lucille Sosa who visited our school and saw the urgent need for the repairs of the floor and immediately contacted their partner,  Mr. Robert Trausch who has been bringing teams to Belize for the past  years to do voluntary services in various communities.
Proactive, retired couple, Gary and Jerry Dennis, heard about the plans to renovate the floorings at SEPS and assisted Mr. Zul with the ground work before the arrival of the main team. Hence, the students from Nederland High School in Colorado have spent the last week under the guidance of their teacher Ms. Lorie Kinczel working on the flooring of three much needed classrooms.
The student volunteers from Nederland High School have displayed outstanding work ethics and we are all fortunate to have such a dedicated group at our school.
Through this medium, we would like to express our gratitude to all who have made this possible. To our enthusiastic parent and student volunteers who helped to make this project a wonderful success, we say thank you. Your tireless efforts to assist during our time of dire need, will always be remembered at SEPS.

Principal and Staff of Santa Elena Primary School 
Nederland Colorado High School

Thank You Ms. Lori


Classroom Before

Classroom After

Jenna and Kiarah


Sunday, June 9, 2013

INTERACT - Wayne High School , Sigourney High School and Adel DeSoto Minburn High School

Thanks to donors like you, the teachers at Santa Elena Primary School will now have one more projector to use to enhance their teaching.

Your donation will be used to purchase 1 new projector for our teachers. Our 40 members of staff are eager for the new projector so that they can make learning more fun for their students.  We are so grateful for the many supplies you brought for our students  as well. Again, thank you for all you do for our school.

We are grateful that INTERACT TOURS has chosen our school to be a part of their humanitarian project. Below are pictures of students from Sigourney High School , Wayne High School and Adel Desoto Minburn High School

Cultural Presentations by our students for our visitors.

More Cultural Presentations

Interact - Wayne High School, Sigourney High School and Adel Desoto Minburn High School

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


On behalf of the administration and staff of Santa Elena Primary School we would like to thank you for attending our Open Day on May 13, 2013. We appreciate the opportunity to provide an overview of our mission and vision at SEPS and we hope that you found the content to be beneficial.

At SEPS we believe that our stakeholders play a vital role in the success of our school and we greatly value your presence and input. Thanks once again.
Observation Time!

Hey Face partner, what do you think?

We are Olympians!

Look Mr. Requena, this school is really moving forward!

Parent Salome and her Medicinal Plant Display!

Special Ed. Olympians

The Best Keep Getting Better !

Stand Up, Hands Up, Pair Up!

Librarians are Olympians too.

Ms. Debby sharing about TLP