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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


On behalf of the administration and staff of Santa Elena Primary School we would like to thank you for attending our Open Day on May 13, 2013. We appreciate the opportunity to provide an overview of our mission and vision at SEPS and we hope that you found the content to be beneficial.

At SEPS we believe that our stakeholders play a vital role in the success of our school and we greatly value your presence and input. Thanks once again.
Observation Time!

Hey Face partner, what do you think?

We are Olympians!

Look Mr. Requena, this school is really moving forward!

Parent Salome and her Medicinal Plant Display!

Special Ed. Olympians

The Best Keep Getting Better !

Stand Up, Hands Up, Pair Up!

Librarians are Olympians too.

Ms. Debby sharing about TLP

Chess Olympiad

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I am extremely proud of the teachers at Santa Elena Primary School for challenging themselves to be Lifelong Learners and having the Olympic Mentality- The best continuing to get better.
The teachers were placed in teams where they all read a habit from Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. They were given journals and assignments to complete and the results were astonishing to say the least. Assignments ranged from posters, jingle, video clip, brochure, bookmark advertisement and prezi.
The presentations were both inspirational and rejuvenating . As teachers, we need to model lifelong learning for our students, and teachers are excited to know that  they have such an opportunity at SEPS where they can sharpen their saws.
The pictures below are from today's successful session.

Can the eight of you balance on 4 feet?

The teachers at SEPS are trying hard to live the way they teach - Life Long Learners. 


 Sharpen the saw

Habit 2 - Begin with the end in mind
You are awesome, totally awesome!

Think Win Win 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Santa Elena Primary School Open Day

We would like to invite you to attend our School Open Day on May 13, 2013. This is a great opportunity for you to have a better understanding of our school vision and mission; our educational philosophy; our teachers and students at SEPS.
For the past three years the teachers at SEPS have been involved in a Teacher Leadership Program, focusing on Educational Leadership and Teacher Efficacy. They strive to be: ‘Engaging Teachers who ENGAGE all students’. Come see the changes that have taken place in our school community that has lowered truancy and behavioral problems.
Our teachers at SEPS are passionate about delivering ‘Quality Education’ and children are experiencing the JOY OF LEARNING. At Santa Elena Primary School we are excited to share with the general public skills and strategies they have learned through the Teacher Leadership Program.
We hereby extend an invitation for you to come celebrate education week with us! May 6th-17th, 2013.