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Thursday, August 19, 2010

                               Brain Gym ( All work and no play makes Janet a dull girl)

                  Cooperative Learning " Joining hands to make S.E.P.S.a better place                                                                                                     for our kids."

                                                          SEPS captain, Mr. Manuel Medina

                                           S.E.P.S. parents are on board too!

Santa Elena Primary R.C. School


  1. The school is a significant, personal and social environment in the lives of its students. A child-friendly school ensures every child an environment that is physically safe, emotionally secure and psychologically enabling.
    For the teachers at Santa Elena Primary School, creating a child - friendly school is their number priority and the single most important factor in an inclusive classroom. Therefore, I am proud to be a part of this dynamic change at S.E.P.S which will enrich me with knowledge, skills, strategies and techniques that I can use effectively in my classroom. With changes great things can happen!!!

  2. Santa Elena School holds a very special place in our hearts. Both my husband and myself were teachers at SEPS in the early '70's and whenever we hear of progress and excellence coming from this institution we feel so happy. We pray for teachers who will be really committed and dedicated to their profession, having children as priorities. We are so glad to hear about this innovative approach in strategies and techniques that will assist teachers to better cater for the needs of their children.
    I want to applaud the efforts of the MoE in providing this avenue for new learning. I want to encourage teachers to implement the strategies and to be consistent with these until they see a difference. To also remember, that when there are changes, many times there will many challenges but not to give up, instead be firm in their commitment.... believe that they can make a difference and in making a difference they will be nurturing a Better Belize.

    John and Anita Tzib

  3. AS a past student and graduate of Santa Elena Primary I am so happy and full of joy to hear that something positive is happening at the school. I hope that the teachers are enjoying the training and that they use what they learn during the training the whole school year.

  4. As a student of S.E.P.S I am proud to be a part of this activity. I have always been proud of all my teachers of Santa Elena Primary, it is clearly seen that this school works hard for what they want and they never give up hopes, keep it up, you are doing a great job!!!; However it is a new challenge that I honestly believe that it will be a positive success!!!!

  5. As a parent i stood and watched the Literacy Parade today and it made me feel so proud that i am a part of S.E.P.S. It is clear that the teachers take pride in their presentations. The banners were well prepared and colorful. I hope the school took pictures that they can share.

  6. Santa Elena Primary school is exceptional in its team dynamic and the willingness to work towards greater development and success. I am proud to have encountered such a unique group of teachers who have a heart for our children and a desire to provide the best education a child should receive. I hope that they will keep up the team spirit and be intrinsically motivated as they serve our nation's children. It's all about genuine leadership. GO SEPS...GO! You ARE Belize!
