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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today marks a new chapter in the lives of children and staff members of  Santa Elena Primary School.It  was the first day of classes for the children including those students from the Special Ed. class. It was a joyous occasion for the staff as they eagerly greeted their children and couldn't wait to share with them the new techniques learnt during the summer. It was even more so special because of the opportunity given for the school to embark on inclusion.

We can color too!
The eight children that showed up today from the Special Ed class were greeted with smiles and hugs. This occasion almost brought me to tears. We are grateful that Ms. Celia Monroy, the Special Ed Teacher willingly accepted this challenge.
What do you think of my new school?  

We love to play with blocks!
Okay Miss, you can take my picture now!


  1. As a parent of this school, I thought I would have never seen this day. I am overwhelmed by it and am proud of Mr. Medina and his staff . They are moving in a positive direction.

  2. This is so awesome... this almost brought me to tears. Santa Elena is my Alma mater and I see that they are stepping up to the plate. You all rock!

    Student of class 75.

  3. santa elena primary school is the best school in belize cayo they have great staff and great students , i assisted santa elena primary rc school and i enjoyed all my life at that school i wish i could go back its so fun walter padilla

  4. What a milestone! What a testimony of perseverance and overcoming. You will see the fruit of your seeds in ways you could never imagine.

    You guys are working towards setting the bar as to what ITS ALL ABOUT KIDS is really about. Including ALL learners.

    I am proud to call you my colleagues!
