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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Page 12 - STAR - Tel:- 626-8822 & 626-3788 - - Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Skills for Santa Elena Primary School Teachers

BY: Andrea Guerra

Teacher, Santa Elena Primary

RC School

I had the pleasure of attending an eight day workshop at Santa Elena Primary R.C. School on leadership.

This program is in conjunction with the Ministry of education and B.N.E. Charitable Trust.

The leadership workshop will definitely help me to transform the way I teach and by extension my classroom.

The strategies, techniques and methods are more engaging than the traditional teaching methods;

therefore they are ideal for increasing academic performance and curving behavioral problems.

Of the techniques and methods presented, in my opinion the most effective is the Kagan Structures.

These structures, when used regularly, will create a safe environment that develops learning to learn skills and learning on a whole. Kagan Structures will not change the content but will transform the way it is taught. It aligns instruction with what research has shown is the way student’s learned and retain information.

Along with the academic gains, I also believe that students will develop thinking skills, emotional

intelligence, social skills, teamwork skills, and character values.

By working together through these structures, character values such as respect, cooperation, kindness,

effort, honesty, and leadership will improve drastically. From my perspective and

experience, I believe the change will be relatively challenging but, I am very optimistic. From the

perspective of the students in my class, I am sure the change will enhance and develop a greater

liking for school, their classmates, themselves, others and also the

process of learning.

1 comment:

  1. I trust that you will continue in your pursuit of providing educational excellence for your students (and yourself). Keep researching best practices, keep a positive mind set (PMS) towards learning new things, and stick-to-itness to see the new things through.
    You are amazing!
