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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Santa Elena RC Primary School recieves donations.

On behalf of the students and staff of Santa Elena R.C. Primary School we would like to thank Michael Ryall and Ryan Molyneaux for their generous donation. Their contribution made it possible for us to purchase 30 jerseys, 1 basketball and a football for our Sports Committee.
Santa Elena R.C. Primary School has always been very active in participating in all sporting events held in its area. This is only possible because of thoughtful contributions from people like Michael and Ryan.
We thank you once again Mike and Ryan for your generous donation.


S.E.P.S. Basketball Team In Their New Jerseys

SEPS Mundalito Soccer Team


  1. As a student of Santa Elena Primary School I would like to say that we are grateful for the uniforms. Thank you both.

  2. AS a player of the little boys team i'm so proud that we came in 2nd we can do better next i know it keep on playing ur best players

  3. It is the last year form me at S.E.P.S. and I enjoy all my time there with all the wonderful teachers that are supporting me and getting us ready for the p.s.e

    1. sheridan velasquezMarch 23, 2012 at 4:22 PM

      i would like to thank all the teachers who have been puting all thier effort to teaching us students a big thank you and we will be missing you when we graduate!!!!!!
