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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dr. Kagan's Visit

In June of 2010 the teachers at Santa Elena Primary School embarked on a Teacher Leadership Program. The facilitators being Dr. Jennifer Morrow of Independent Day School in Tampa Florida and Mrs. Abigail Wade Itinerant Resource Officer for NaRCIE, Cayo District.

The program included topics such as Brain-Based Research, Cooperative Learning, Multiple Intelligences, Differentiated Instruction, and the M.O.R.E. Approach Multiple Options for Results in Education). The facilitators used the techniques and strategies that Dr. Spencer Kagan developed to deliver instruction. Dr Spencer Kagan is an internationally acclaimed researcher, presenter and author of over 100 books, chapters, and scientific journal articles. He is a former clinical psychologist and full professor of psychology and education at the University of California. He is the principal author of the single most comprehensive book for educators in each of four fields: cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, classroom discipline, and classroom energizers. His instructional strategies are used in teacher training institutes in many countries.

The team of teachers from Santa Elena Primary, that participated in the Summer Academy in Orlando, Florida in July of this year were so stunned by what they saw and experienced that they wanted their Belizean colleagues and peers to learn from this incomparable speaker. Mrs. Abigail Wade persisted and invited Dr. Kagan to Belize. In his own words, ”Persistence melts resistance” prevailed.

Two months after attending the workshop Mrs. Wade received an email from the Kagan Institute informing her that Dr. Kagan has accepted our invitation to come to Belize. We were ecstatic as this is the 33rd country he has been to. We quickly formed a committee at Santa Elena Primary School and plans were on the way to facilitate his visit. We got the message out through email, advertisement on the local TV station and a presentation about his work to the Cayo Association of Primary School Principals (CAPPS). Some were excited immediately and some took some coaching and encouragement.

Dr. Kagan and his son Miguel Kagan who co-authored many of the books touched down in Belize on Thursday October 20th, 2011. The entourage that went to pick him up conversed along the way to San Ignacio. We immediately got so comfortable speaking with him as he was so down to earth and related to our situation and education system. Dr. Kagan has been all over the world but this was his first visit to Belize. Upon reaching San Ignacio he insisted that he wanted to go to the workshop venue and ensure that everything was set in place for the following day.

Over one hundred and twenty administrators and representatives from 44 Primary schools and 2 High schools and one Junior College attended the Friday’s session. The following are comments made by the teachers that attended the workshops.

“Thanks for including us in this most interesting workshop.” “ Cudos to you teachers for planning and organizing such a workshop. “

“The time spent was worthwhile and very engaging. Well, what can I say, but many, many congratulations to all concerned for making those workshops happen!”

“ The most engaging workshop I have ever been to, he just change the meaning of workshops for me Wasn't the atmosphere great?

A totally, totally positive experience.”

The administrators, managers and representatives that attended on Friday were overwhelmed by what they experienced. One hundred and sixty teachers gathered at the George Price Center for the second session and this phenomenal occasion. We started promptly at 8:30a.m. From the onset I could have felt the energy in the room. The teachers were very engaged and some were soaking it all up like a sponge. By the end of the session the only complaints I heard were that time was too limited and they wanted more. The teachers stood up and gave Dr. Kagan a standing ovation and cheered him on. It was an awesome sight and the resounding cheers made it memorable.


  1. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the Kagan Workshop.
    I learnt a lot and am very eager to have my first session with my NQts. I know they will enjoy the new ways they can have their
    students engaged in their learning.

  2. Cudos to you teachers for planning and organizing such a workshop. I think the time spent was worthwhile and very engaging. As vice-principal of Saint Ignatius High School I can definitely see where teachers at this school will be able to structure situations whereby students will be more involved and therefore create the behaviors they want in their learning environment.

    I will encourage it here in this institution and I hope to be able one day to make a trip to Kagan's summer sessions.

  3. Thanks for including us in this most interesting workshop. Rest assure that we will serve as a monitoring system in the application of these structures in the classroom. At the same time we will be promoting these structures as well as we implement these as best as we can in the Teacher Education Program.

  4. I can only say a great thank you for having included us educators as part of the workshop. I have been subscribing to his website and teachings for a while now and was actually planning on going this coming summer to Orlando Florida for a session. I will certainly try to attend as I was extremely impressed. My hope is to make Kagan structures a part of our every day lessons here at BHS. Thanks again.

  5. You are welcome Ms. Debbie. I commend you, Ms. Abby and members of the Santa Elena Primary School for being steadfast on what you view as critically important. You have all exemplified the true qualities of the profession, i.e. sharing, caring, empowerment, commitment to quality education, the firm belief that we are preparing our children for life, and ultimately life long learning. Please continue the good work, and you shall be rewarded, even if it is in heaven. God's richest blessings!

  6. i must say it was more than EXCELLENT!!!!!!! i did not want it to end. i sat there begging for more!!!
    as a new teacher to the teaching profession i felt relaxed and excited to enter the classroom with more than enough courage.
    at times i found myself praying for strength before i entered my classroom.

    as a matter of fact i have already started to use some of the structures in my classroom.
    i pray that more teachers can attend such workshops.
    i believe it should be a venture that, such workshop can be offered district by district at different time.

  7. Well, what can I say, but many, many congratulations to all concerned for making those workshops happen!

    Wasn't the atmosphere great? A totally, totally positive experience. Now the challenge is to get that information out to all our teachers.

  8. Well its just fabu! as they say in Pari!

  9. Santa Elena Primary school is the best of the best of the best all the others school stinkssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!NEED A BATH

  10. Santa Elena Primary school is the best of the best of the best all the others school stinkssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!NEED A BATH
