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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Although words cannot say enough for the generous donation we've gotten at Santa Elena Primary School, we would like to say , "Thank You." The students and staff of our school were extremely pleased with the donation of books received for our library.

As educators we are aware of the fact that books are important for the development of our children's knowledge. "The more you read the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you will go." It is true... we see the excitement on the faces of our children whenever they read and learn something new. Most importantly, we are content when they are inspired to discover, to imagine, to question and to ponder.

Reading is fun ! Indeed it is .... especially when there are smiles on the faces of the children who really understand what they read. You will be assured that our children will benefit entirely form our library and will cherish the books, too. Most importantly , be confident that with every story read; every smile on the face of a child - is a guaranteed thank you that will definitely be coming your way. Your efforts will not go unmentioned. Once again thank you very much from the staff and children of Santa Elena Primary School .

Books, Books and more Books!

Thank You !

Thank you to the Church of Incarnation in Texas.

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