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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wisconsin- Interact 2013

Thank you for donating to SEPS

Thanks for your generous donation of school supplies and $300 U.S. to Santa Elena Primary School .Your donation means a lot to our school and will go directly towards the purchasing of a much needed projector .  It is gifts like yours that makes what we do possible!
Thank you for playing with our students and for sharing with them!


Interact Group and Belizean Children and teachers

Okay Wisconsin you need to come back for the rematch!

What! I didn't Know that.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thank You Interact-Meshak group!

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our visitors form Iowa. Thank you for visiting our school and for the donation you made.


At SEPS we believe that physical education should be an important part of every child’s learning. Students are highly encouraged to join our school’s team.

SEPS have always participated in all sporting activities organized by both the Ministry of Education and Sacred Heart Management. 

Today both our male and female teams participated in the Bishop Cup Tournament and  when the final whistle was blown both teams came out victorious winning first for the males and females.  

It was a sweltering hot day but that did not deter the Olympians from shining. We would like to congratulate our players, parents, teachers - Mrs. Marie Fernandez, Mr. Jorge Rivera and Mr. Juan Villanueva and our coach Mr. Peter Jones Sr.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bush Medicine in the Classroom

Brianna Fernandez writes about her
Bush Medicine Classes with Ms. Salomy Oliver

Miss Salome is an excellent medicinal teacher. Her classes has helped me to appreciate plants more. She taught us about several plants which are useful and can be used as medicine and food.

My favourite is the Gombolimbo. This plant is also known as  Indio Desnudo, Chaca and The Tourist Tree. The Gombolimbo is used to heal rashes and cuts. It is also used to purify blood and used to heal blisters and swellings. It is also used to prepare a delicious healthy jungle juice. The jungle juice is made from a mixture of other plants  such as hibiscus, china root and cinnamon. No w you can see what Miss Salomy has taught me is really interesting and useful in my every day life.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Congratulation Armin

Congratulations are due to one of our brave students who took part in the 15th La Ruta Maya River Challenge. Armin Lopez Jr. is the son of Armin Lopez Sr who came in first for the Belize Bank Bulldogs . It was a 180 miles gruesome race along the Belize River. Armin Jr. says that it takes dedication and hard work to complete such a race. Armin has the Olympic Mentality of the best keep getting better.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


- SherandraTun wrote – I am amazed by what happened yesterday. I am so happy I was a part of the presentation. I now know more about the Garifuna. Thanks for visiting our school.

Vanessa Gomez wrote- I am very happy about what we did yesterday. It was a fun  day for me. I enjoyed watching our visitors trying to Punta. Thank you for visiting our school.                                                            
Shantel, Keilin, Meesha, Brittney, Evani and Juslin wrote- We had a most memorable time with our guests and enjoyed interacting with them. We are looking forward to share more about Belize with other guests.

Room 27 wrote- God is great because we the students of Santa Elena Primary School had the honor to host some teachers and students from the United States of America.  It was a wonderful experience for us and it is something we would love to do again. We were also fortunate because we were given much needy supplies for our team tubs. We the students from room 27 would like to say a big thank you to the teachers and students that visited us .Thanks for choosing SEPS!
Iesha Talbert wrote- I feel awesome about the cultural exchange. It was fun watching our visitors listening to us and sampling our food.
Rahim Gongora wrote – I was happy that the students and teachers enjoyed the presentations as we put our all into it. I now know more about the Mestizos and will remember this information for a long time. Thanks for coming.
 Tyesha and Michaely- Thank you so much for the school supplies given to us. We appreciate the gesture.
Ermita Castillo wrote – Thank you for your donation. It will help us in our classrooms and will be put to good use. 
 On behalf of our school, I would like to thank you for assisting us with school supplies. Our students, especially those in need will be able to do their projects and art using the supplies donated. We are extremely grateful for your gift. Thank you and God bless you all from Marci Fernandez at SEPS. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


SEPS TEACHERS AND STUDENTS SERVE AS ROLE MODELS FOR OTHER EDUCATORS! Santa Elena Primary School was privileged to host 38 teachers and students from Mississippi ,Tennessee and Alaska that travelled with EF Tours on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. The school administrators kicked off with an introduction to our school and education in Belize. Following the 15 minutes introduction, teachers and administrators observed in our Standard Five (Grade 7) classrooms where they witnessed our SEPS teachers and students highly engaged in displaying Belize's Ethnic Groups. Our students modeled excellent teaching, demonstrated exemplary explanation of Belize's Melting Pot. Our guests had the opportunity to sample Belizean delicacies and danced to the drumming of the drums, Marimba and Creole Medley all performed by our students. The energy throughout the school and especially among our standard five students was exciting, positive and dynamic. We were honored to once again host our guests and look forward to future guests at our school. A big thank you to the Standard Five Teachers and Students. You all were admirable today and exhibited the Olympic Mentality. Thanks to all the teachers and students for the school supplies given to our school. We are truly grateful. src="" />