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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


SEPS TEACHERS AND STUDENTS SERVE AS ROLE MODELS FOR OTHER EDUCATORS! Santa Elena Primary School was privileged to host 38 teachers and students from Mississippi ,Tennessee and Alaska that travelled with EF Tours on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. The school administrators kicked off with an introduction to our school and education in Belize. Following the 15 minutes introduction, teachers and administrators observed in our Standard Five (Grade 7) classrooms where they witnessed our SEPS teachers and students highly engaged in displaying Belize's Ethnic Groups. Our students modeled excellent teaching, demonstrated exemplary explanation of Belize's Melting Pot. Our guests had the opportunity to sample Belizean delicacies and danced to the drumming of the drums, Marimba and Creole Medley all performed by our students. The energy throughout the school and especially among our standard five students was exciting, positive and dynamic. We were honored to once again host our guests and look forward to future guests at our school. A big thank you to the Standard Five Teachers and Students. You all were admirable today and exhibited the Olympic Mentality. Thanks to all the teachers and students for the school supplies given to our school. We are truly grateful. src="" />

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